Source code for rl.agents.ddpg

from __future__ import division
import os

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
# Remove use of Keras backend
import keras.backend as K

from rl.utils.model import clone_model, get_soft_target_model_ops
from rl.utils.numerics import gradient_inverter, huber_loss
from rl.memory import Experience
from rl.agents.rlagent import RLAgent
from rl.utils.printer import print_warning

# Whether to use Keras inference engine

[docs]class DDPGAgent(RLAgent): """ Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Agent as defined in :param keras.model actor: The actor network :param keras.model critic: The critic network :param gym.env env: The gym environment :param memory: The memory object :type memory: :class:`rl.memory.Memory` :param float gamma: Discount factor :param int batch_size: Size of the minibatches :param int train_interval: Train only at multiples of this number :param int memory_interval: Add experiences to memory only at multiples of this number :param critic_gradient_clip: Delta to which the rewards are clipped (via Huber loss, see :param random_process: The noise used to perform exploration :param custom_model_objects: :param float target_critic_update: Target critic update factor :param float target_actor_update: Target actor update factor :param bool invert_gradients: Use gradient inverting as defined in """ def __init__(self, actor, critic, memory, gamma=.99, batch_size=32, train_interval=1, memory_interval=1, critic_gradient_clip=100, random_process=None, custom_model_objects=None, warmup_actor_steps=200, warmup_critic_steps=200, invert_gradients=False, gradient_inverter_min=-1., gradient_inverter_max=1., actor_reset_threshold=0.3, reset_controlers=False, actor_learning_rate=1e-3, critic_learning_rate=1e-4, target_critic_update=0.01, target_actor_update=0.01, critic_regularization=0.01, **kwargs): if custom_model_objects is None: custom_model_objects = {} if hasattr(actor.output, '__len__') and len(actor.output) > 1: raise ValueError( 'Actor "{}" has more than one output. DDPG expects an actor that has a single output.'. format(actor)) if hasattr(critic.output, '__len__') and len(critic.output) > 1: raise ValueError( 'Critic "{}" has more than one output. DDPG expects a critic that has a single output.'. format(critic)) if not hasattr(critic.input, '__len__') or len(critic.input) < 2: raise ValueError( 'Critic "{}" does not have enough inputs. The critic must have at exactly two inputs, one for the action and one for the observation.'. format(critic)) super(DDPGAgent, self).__init__(name="ddpg", **kwargs) # Get placeholders self.variables["state"] = self.env.state self.variables["action"] = self.env.action # Parameters. self.nb_actions = self.env.action_space.dim self.actions_low = self.env.action_space.low self.actions_high = self.env.action_space.high self.random_process = random_process self.critic_gradient_clip = critic_gradient_clip self.gamma = gamma self.warmup_actor_steps = warmup_actor_steps self.warmup_critic_steps = warmup_critic_steps self.critic_learning_rate = critic_learning_rate self.actor_learning_rate = actor_learning_rate self.critic_regularization = critic_regularization (self.target_critic_update, self.target_critic_hard_updates ) = process_hard_update_variable(target_critic_update) (self.target_actor_update, self.target_actor_hard_updates ) = process_hard_update_variable(target_actor_update) self.batch_size = batch_size self.train_interval = train_interval self.memory_interval = memory_interval self.custom_model_objects = custom_model_objects self.invert_gradients = invert_gradients if invert_gradients: self.gradient_inverter_max = gradient_inverter_max self.gradient_inverter_min = gradient_inverter_min self.actor_reset_threshold = actor_reset_threshold self.reset_controlers = reset_controlers # Related objects. = actor self.critic = critic self.memory = memory # State. self.compiled = False self.reset_states() @property def uses_learning_phase(self): return or self.critic.uses_learning_phase
[docs] def load_memory(self, memory): """Loads the given memory as the replay buffer""" del (self.memory) self.memory = memory
def compile(self): # Compile target networks. We only use them in feed-forward mode, hence we can pass any # optimizer and loss since we never use it anyway. self.target_actor = clone_model(, self.custom_model_objects) self.target_actor.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse') self.target_critic = clone_model(self.critic, self.custom_model_objects) self.target_critic.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse') self.compile_actor() self.compile_critic() # Collect summaries directly from variables for (var_name, variable) in self.variables.items(): self.summary_variables[var_name] = (tf.summary.scalar( var_name, variable)) # Special selections of summary variables # Critic self.critic_summaries = [ value for (key, value) in self.summary_variables.items() if (key.startswith("critic/") or key.startswith("target_critic/")) ] # Critic post (run after training) self.critic_summaries_post = [ value for (key, value) in self.summary_variables.items() if (key.startswith("critic_post/") or key.startswith("target_critic_post/")) ] # Actor # No need to collect the actor's loss, since we already have actor/objective self.actor_summaries = [ value for (key, value) in self.summary_variables.items() if (key.startswith("actor/") and not key == ("actor/loss") or key.startswith("target_actor/")) ] # Actor post self.actor_summaries_post = [ value for (key, value) in self.summary_variables.items() if (key.startswith("actor_post/") or key.startswith("target_actor_post/")) ] # Initialize the remaining variables # FIXME: Use directly Keras backend # This is a kind of a hack # Taken from the "initialize_variables" of the Keras Tensorflow backend # # It permits to only initialize variables that are not already initialized # Without that, the networks and target networks get initialized again, to different values (stochastic initialization) # This is a problem when a network and it's target network do not begin with the same parameter values... variables = tf.global_variables() uninitialized_variables = [] for v in variables: if not hasattr(v, '_keras_initialized') or not v._keras_initialized: uninitialized_variables.append(v) v._keras_initialized = True # # Save the initial values of the networks self.checkpoint() self.compiled = True def compile_actor(self): # We also compile the actor. We never optimize the actor using Keras but instead compute # the policy gradient ourselves. However, we need the actor in feed-forward mode, hence # we also compile it with any optimizer'sgd', loss='mse') # Target actor optimizer if not self.target_actor_hard_updates: # Include soft target model updates. self.target_actor_train_op = get_soft_target_model_ops( self.target_actor.weights,, self.target_actor_update) # Actor optimizer actor_optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=self.actor_learning_rate) # Be careful to negate the gradient # Since the optimizer wants to minimize the value self.variables["actor/loss"] = -tf.reduce_mean( self.critic( [self.variables["state"],["state"])])) self.variables["actor/objective"] = -self.variables["actor/loss"] actor_gradient_vars = actor_optimizer.compute_gradients( self.variables["actor/loss"], # Gradient inverting # as described in if self.invert_gradients: actor_gradient_vars = [(gradient_inverter( x[0], self.gradient_inverter_min, self.gradient_inverter_max), x[1]) for x in actor_gradient_vars] # Compute the norm of each weights's gradient actor_gradients_norms = [ tf.norm(grad_var[0]) for grad_var in actor_gradient_vars ] for var, norm in zip(, actor_gradients_norms): var_name = "actor/{}/gradient_norm".format( self.variables[var_name] = (norm) # As long as the sum self.variables["actor/gradient_norm"] = tf.reduce_sum( actor_gradients_norms) # The actual train op self.actor_train_op = actor_optimizer.apply_gradients( actor_gradient_vars) # Additional actor metrics actor_norms = [ tf.norm(weight) for weight in ] for var, norm in zip(, actor_norms): var_name = "actor/{}/norm".format( self.variables[var_name] = norm self.variables["actor/norm"] = tf.reduce_sum(actor_norms) # Additional target actor metrics target_actor_norms = [ tf.norm(weight) for weight in self.target_actor.trainable_weights ] for var, norm in zip(self.target_critic.trainable_weights, target_actor_norms): var_name = "target_actor/{}/norm".format( self.variables[var_name] = norm self.variables["target_actor/norm"] = tf.reduce_sum(target_actor_norms) def compile_critic(self): # Compile the critic for the same reason self.critic.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse') # Compile the critic optimizer critic_optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=self.critic_learning_rate) # NOT to be mistaken with the target_critic! self.critic_target = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, 1)) # Clip the critic gradient using the huber loss self.variables["critic/loss"] = K.mean( huber_loss( self.critic( [self.variables["state"], self.variables["action"]]), self.critic_target, self.critic_gradient_clip)) # L2 regularization on the critic loss critic_norms = [ tf.norm(weight) for weight in self.critic.trainable_weights ] critic_norms_l2 = [ tf.nn.l2_loss(weight) for weight in self.critic.trainable_weights ] self.variables["critic/norm"] = tf.reduce_sum(critic_norms) self.variables["critic/l2_norm"] = tf.reduce_sum(critic_norms_l2) if self.critic_regularization != 0: self.variables[ "critic/loss"] += self.critic_regularization * self.variables[ "critic/l2_norm"] # Compute gradients critic_gradient_vars = critic_optimizer.compute_gradients( self.variables["critic/loss"], var_list=self.critic.trainable_weights) # Compute the norm as a metric critic_gradients_norms = [ tf.norm(grad_var[0]) for grad_var in critic_gradient_vars ] for var, norm in zip(self.critic.trainable_weights, critic_gradients_norms): var_name = "critic/{}/gradient_norm".format( self.variables[var_name] = norm self.variables["critic/gradient_norm"] = tf.reduce_sum( critic_gradients_norms) self.critic_train_op = critic_optimizer.apply_gradients( critic_gradient_vars) # Additional critic metrics for var, norm in zip(self.critic.trainable_weights, critic_norms): var_name = "critic/{}/norm".format( self.variables[var_name] = norm # Additional target critic metrics target_critic_norms = [ tf.norm(weight) for weight in self.target_critic.trainable_weights ] for var, norm in zip(self.target_critic.trainable_weights, target_critic_norms): var_name = "target_critic/{}/norm".format( self.variables[var_name] = norm self.variables["target_critic/norm"] = tf.reduce_sum( target_critic_norms) # Target critic optimizer if not self.target_critic_hard_updates: # Include soft target model updates. self.target_critic_train_op = get_soft_target_model_ops( self.target_critic.weights, self.critic.weights, self.target_critic_update) def load_weights(self, filepath): filename, extension = os.path.splitext(filepath) actor_filepath = filename + '_actor' + extension critic_filepath = filename + '_critic' + extension self.critic.load_weights(critic_filepath) self.hard_update_target_models() def save_weights(self, filepath, overwrite=False): print("Saving weights") filename, extension = os.path.splitext(filepath) actor_filepath = filename + '_actor' + extension critic_filepath = filename + '_critic' + extension, overwrite=overwrite) self.critic.save_weights(critic_filepath, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def save(self, name="DDPG"): """Save the model as an HDF5 file""" + "_actor.h5") + "_critic.h5")
def hard_update_target_critic(self): print("Hard update of the target critic") self.target_critic.set_weights(self.critic.get_weights()) def hard_update_target_actor(self): print("Hard update of the target actor") self.target_actor.set_weights( def reset_states(self): if self.random_process is not None: self.random_process.reset_states() if self.compiled: self.critic.reset_states() self.target_actor.reset_states() self.target_critic.reset_states() def forward(self, observation): # Select an action. # [state] is the unprocessed version of a batch batch_state = [observation] # We get a batch of 1 action # action =[0] action =["state"]), feed_dict={ self.variables["state"]: batch_state, K.learning_phase(): 0 })[0] assert action.shape == (self.nb_actions, ) # Apply noise, if a random process is set. if self.exploration and self.random_process is not None: noise = self.random_process.sample() assert noise.shape == action.shape action += noise # Clip the action value, even if the noise is making it exceed its bounds action = np.clip(action, self.actions_low, self.actions_high) return action return (action)
[docs] def backward(self): """ Backward method of the DDPG agent """ # Stop here if not training if not return # Store most recent experience in memory. if self.training_step % self.memory_interval == 0: self.memory.append( Experience(self.observation, self.action, self.reward, self.observation_1, self.done)) # Train the networks if self.training_step % self.train_interval == 0: # If warm up is over: # Update critic self.warmingup_critic = (self.training_step <= self.warmup_critic_steps) train_critic = (not self.warmingup_critic) # Update actor self.warmingup_actor = self.training_step <= self.warmup_actor_steps train_actor = (not self.warmingup_actor) self._backward(train_actor=train_actor, train_critic=train_critic)
[docs] def backward_offline(self, train_actor=True, train_critic=True): """ Offline Backward method of the DDPG agent :param bool offline: Add the new experiences to memory :param bool train_actor: Activate of Deactivate training of the actor :param bool train_critic: Activate of Deactivate training of the critic """ # Stop here if not training if not return self._backward(train_actor=train_actor, train_critic=train_critic)
def _backward(self, train_actor=True, train_critic=True): """ Offline Backward method of the DDPG agent :param bool offline: Add the new experiences to memory :param bool train_actor: Activate of Deactivate training of the actor :param bool train_critic: Activate of Deactivate training of the critic """ # Stop here if not training if not return # Train the networks if self.training_step % self.train_interval == 0: # Hard update the target nets if necessary if self.target_actor_hard_updates: hard_update_target_actor = self.training_step % self.target_actor_update == 0 else: hard_update_target_actor = False if self.target_critic_hard_updates: hard_update_target_critic = self.training_step % self.target_critic_update == 0 else: hard_update_target_critic = False # Whether to reset the actor if self.done and (self.episode % 5 == 0) and self.reset_controlers: can_reset_actor = True else: can_reset_actor = False if (train_actor or train_critic): self.train_controllers( train_critic=train_critic, train_actor=train_actor, can_reset_actor=can_reset_actor, hard_update_target_critic=hard_update_target_critic, hard_update_target_actor=hard_update_target_actor)
[docs] def train_controllers(self, train_critic=True, train_actor=True, can_reset_actor=False, hard_update_target_critic=False, hard_update_target_actor=False): """ Fit the actor and critic networks :param bool train_critic: Whether to fit the critic :param bool train_actor: Whether to fit the actor :param bool can_reset_actor: """ if not (train_actor or train_critic): return else: batch = self.memory.sample(self.batch_size) summaries = [] summaries_post = [] # Train networks if train_critic: summaries_critic, summaries_post_critic = self.train_critic( batch) summaries += summaries_critic summaries_post += summaries_post_critic if train_actor: summaries_actor, summaries_post_actor = self.train_actor( batch, can_reset_actor=can_reset_actor) summaries += summaries_actor summaries_post += summaries_post_actor # Update target networks if hard_update_target_actor: self.hard_update_target_actor() else: if hard_update_target_critic: self.hard_update_target_critic() else: self.step_summaries += summaries self.step_summaries_post += summaries_post
[docs] def train_critic(self, batch, sgd_iterations=1): """Fit the critic network""" # Get the target action # \pi(s_{t + 1}) if USE_KERAS_INFERENCE: target_actions = self.target_actor.predict_on_batch(batch.state1) else: target_actions = self.target_actor(self.variables["state"]), feed_dict={ self.variables["state"]: batch.state1, K.learning_phase(): 0 }) assert target_actions.shape == (self.batch_size, self.nb_actions) # Get the target Q value of the next state # Q(s_{t + 1}, \pi(s_{t + 1})) if USE_KERAS_INFERENCE: target_q_values = self.target_critic.predict_on_batch( [batch.state1, target_actions]) else: target_q_values = self.target_critic( [self.variables["state"], self.variables["action"]]), feed_dict={ self.variables["state"]: batch.state1, self.variables["action"]: target_actions }) # Also works # assert target_q_values.shape == (self.batch_size, ) # Full the critic targets: # r_t + gamma * Q(s_{t + 1}, \pi(s_{t + 1})) discounted_reward_batch = self.gamma * target_q_values critic_targets = (batch.reward + discounted_reward_batch) feed_dict = { self.variables["state"]: batch.state0, self.variables["action"]: batch.action, self.critic_target: critic_targets } # Collect summaries and metrics before training the critic self.metrics["critic/gradient_norm"], summaries = [self.variables["critic/gradient_norm"], self.critic_summaries], feed_dict=feed_dict) # Train the critic for _ in range(sgd_iterations): # FIXME: The intermediate gradient values are not captured, feed_dict=feed_dict) # Collect summaries and metrics after training the critic summaries_post = self.critic_summaries_post, feed_dict=feed_dict) return (summaries, summaries_post)
[docs] def train_actor(self, batch, sgd_iterations=1, can_reset_actor=False): """Fit the actor network""" feed_dict = { self.variables["state"]: batch.state0, K.learning_phase(): 1 } # Collect metrics before training the actor self.metrics["actor/gradient_norm"], summaries = [self.variables["actor/gradient_norm"], self.actor_summaries], feed_dict=feed_dict) # Train the actor for _ in range(sgd_iterations): # FIXME: The intermediate gradient values are not captured, feed_dict=feed_dict) # Collect metrics before training the actor summaries_post = self.actor_summaries_post, feed_dict=feed_dict) if can_reset_actor: # Reset the actor if the gradient is flat if self.metrics["actor/gradient_norm"] <= self.actor_reset_threshold: # TODO: Use a gradient on a rolling window: multiple steps (and even multiple episodes) self.restore_checkpoint(actor=True, critic=False) return (summaries, summaries_post)
[docs] def checkpoint(self): """Save the weights""" self.checkpoints.append((, self.critic.get_weights()))
[docs] def restore_checkpoint(self, actor=True, critic=True, checkpoint_id=0): """Restore from checkpoint""" weights_actor, weights_critic = self.checkpoints[checkpoint_id] if actor: print_warning("Restoring actor and target actor") self.target_actor.set_weights(weights_actor) if critic: print_warning("Restoring critic") self.critic.set_weights(weights_critic) self.target_critic.set_weights(weights_critic)
def process_hard_update_variable(param): # Soft vs hard target model updates. if param < 0: raise ValueError( '`target_model_update` must be >= 0, currently at {}'.format( param)) elif param >= 1: # Hard update every `target_model_update` steps. param = int(param) hard_updates = True else: # Soft update with `(1 - target_model_update) * old + target_model_update * new`. param = float(param) hard_updates = False return (param, hard_updates)